SUNDREAMER at The Tote upstairs with Reckon & Matahari
SUNDREAMER at The Tote upstairs with Reckon & Matahari

SUNDREAMER at The Tote upstairs with Reckon & Matahari

The Tote - Upstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 17 April 2025 7:30 pm
32 days away
18 Plus

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Follow feet up spiral staircase into room where sticky carpet lays still upon sunken floor - dive bar fossils to dig.

There you will find 3 sonic obelisk’s; Reckon with their ‘post-gaze something’, Matahari as Metalcore and Sundreamer following suit. 

Expect a night of heavy, heated entertainment joining punters-past in the Tote’s ongoing case study of mosh theory