Jaded State 'New Life' Single Launch
Jaded State 'New Life' Single Launch

Jaded State 'New Life' Single Launch

The Tote - Upstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Friday, 18 April 2025 8:30 pm
31 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission (18+)
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Jaded State are back at The Tote April 18th showcasing their first single off their upcoming album. It is expected to send shock waves through the Melbourne music scene.

With special guests The Masons & Select All it’s guaranteed to be a VERY loud night. This is one you DO NOT want to miss out on!! 

The boys are pumped up and ready to show you what they’ve got in store for this year. It’s a new life at The Tote April 18th.. SEE YOU SOON