Five Faces of Death at The Tote
Five Faces of Death at The Tote

Five Faces of Death at The Tote

The Tote - Band Room (Collingwood, VIC)
Friday, 2 May 2025 7:30 pm
47 days away
18 Plus
Heavy Metal

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Get down to the Tote to witness the Five Faces of Death!

Melbourne death metal stalwarts Scaphis will be serving a feast of groovy, gore-drenched hymns for your horns-raising, headbanging pleasure!

Crushing death metal champions Tumour aren't slowing down after a huge 2024, and will convert all doubters with their set of relentless pit-friendly riffing! 

With a bullet belt full of moshable riffs, grind-splattered death metallers Circle Of Blood will be unearthing new tracks from their debut full-length!

Chainsaw-wielding thrash-death neanderthal Bludger are taking no prisoners with their latest EP, and their savage set will ignite the pit and your soul!

And death metal / hardcore up-and-comers False Dichotomy will be demonstrating the Frankston style with their non-stop pit-starters!

The ultimate experience in gruelling death metal awaits at the Tote - don't miss it!