Y35.3 with Cult of the Placenta Head, cleaninglady, MVRK SVD
Y35.3 with Cult of the Placenta Head, cleaninglady, MVRK SVD

Y35.3 with Cult of the Placenta Head, cleaninglady, MVRK SVD

The Tote - Upstairs (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 11 July 2024 7:30 pm
11 days away
18 Plus

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A night of power electronics, found sounds and pulsating noise. Y35.3 reform for a one off show, the first in over a decade, DOD pedal worship and 1980's personal improvement cassettes at the ready. 

Joining them for this momentous event will be contemporaries of the era Cult of The Placenta Head, cleaninglady and MVRK SVD.