Porpoise Spit presents LAND single launch with mates Simona and Michael Beach/Units of Measurement
Porpoise Spit presents LAND single launch with mates Simona and Michael Beach/Units of Measurement

Porpoise Spit presents LAND single launch with mates Simona and Michael Beach/Units of Measurement

The Tote - Band Room (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 24 April 2025 8:00 pm
39 days away
18 Plus

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Some said that 2024 was the year of the Porps but we don't work on a Gregorian calendar system so this train will keep on rolling. Swooping in to save the day with our trailhead single "Land" we're getting gritty with our pals Simona and Michael Beach/Units of Measurement. We took you to Church for Brunswick Music Festival, come down to the people's Church of rock to help us welcome in a new era and a little healing. 
Free tickets to First Nations folks. Shout out if you're having financial hardship and we will sort you out.