Unlike the Rainbow Serpent that brings life anew, this asphalt Acanthophis brings the false-promise of freedom. The oasis of the western coast ropes-in lowly escapists who find themselves on a road that gives too much time to their dreaded thoughts and woes. The enslaved and isolated man finds himself in a "hideous anomaly, a blot on the face of nature, the sort of place one gets into in bad dreams". He wishes he didn't feel so at home.
Crank on the other-hand - well crank gets you there. Crank is Torque and Torque is Force. Crank is insanity heated up in a glass pipe. Crank is sheer will.
Nullarbor Crank is a drunken sailor with nowhere to be, whistling a tune into the infinite horizon. Less metaphorically, it’s our Sophomore Album. She's certainly rough around the edges and ironic to the point of sincerity but she's 40-something minutes of - well... we don't know.
We want to thank Craig from Hothouse for recording us, Flewda Flam for designing the cover, Chloe Holmes for Featuring on 'Undercover Lovers' and Christian Foyle for his Sax work. Super limited LP's will be available in yummy colours.
It's probably our last one. There's no need to get too philosophical here - the road stretches on. Let this album accompany you for a few lonely Km's before you leave it stranded on the side of the road and watch as it disappears into your rear-view mirror. Maybe it'll pop back into your mind some ways down the road.. Maybe we will too.